3 years ago

莫里斯·森達克 (Maurice Sendak) 榮獲凱迪克獎 (Caldecott Medal) 的圖畫書已成為有史以來最受好評和最受歡迎的兒童讀物之一。每個孩子書架上的必備品。

這個標誌性的故事激發了一部電影、一部歌劇和幾代人的想像力。當麥克斯穿著他的狼服並在房子裡造成嚴重破壞時,他的母親把他送去睡覺。從那裡,麥克斯啟航前往一個荒野生物居住的島嶼,他們稱他為國王,並與他分享狂野的喧囂。但是後來從遙遠的世界各地,Max 聞到了好吃的東西……

隨著莫里斯·森達克 (Maurice Sendak) 藝術作品的新復製品,讓這部經典作品以前所未有的方式重現生機,讓狂野的喧囂繼續。令人驚嘆的最先進技術忠實地捕捉了原始插圖的色彩和細節。森達克本人熱情地支持這種對其藝術的令人印象深刻的新詮釋。

Maurice Sendak's Caldecott Medal-winning picture book has become one of the most highly acclaimed and best-loved children's books of all time. A must for every child's bookshelf.
This iconic story has inspired a movie, an opera, and the imagination of generations. When Max dresses in his wolf suit and causes havoc in the house, his mother sends him to bed. From there, Max sets sail to an island inhabited by the Wild Things, who name him king and share a wild rumpus with him. But then from far away across the world, Max smells good things to eat...
Let the wild rumpus continue as this classic comes to life like never before with new reproductions of Maurice Sendak's artwork. Astonishing state-of-the-art technology faithfully captures the color and detail of the original illustrations. Sendak himself enthusiastically endorsed this impressive new interpretation of his art.
Mary Pols of Time magazine wrote that "what makes Sendak's book so compelling is its grounding effect: Max has a tantrum and in a flight of fancy visits his wild side, but he is pulled back by a belief in parental love to a supper 'still hot." Generations have shared this beautiful picture book, and children of all ages will want to return to it again and again.

繪本故事 Story Book : 野獸國 WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE

簡單英文句子和單字 Sentences and words.
1. Max put on his wolf suit.

2. His mother sent him to bed.

3. A forest grew in his room.

4. The forest kept growing.

5. Max got in a boat and sailed away.

6. He arrived at the land of wild monsters.

7. He made them all calm down.

8. They made him their king.

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購買此書Book information :
麥克兒童外文書店: https://www.sanmin.com.tw/product/index/0032663669

• 書號:AFHA1908
• 作者: Maurice Sendak
• 繪者: Maurice Sendak
• 適合年齡:7~12歲
• 規格:盒裝CD/內含1片
• 出版日期: 2007年
• ISBN:9780061227400

本書的維基百科: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where_the_Wild_Things_Are
本書的電影預告片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNJPSc_4RCI
關於作者: https://www.openbook.org.tw/article/p-63551

片頭和片尾音樂 Beginning and ending music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwPhqU29rWQ

#Maurice Sendak

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