Why PCI is a Security Issue

3 years ago

How does electronic security and PCI compliance intersect? In this episode of Big Ideas, Small Business with Doreen Milano, hear from Wes Smith, Securitas Electronic Security, and Sherri Williams with dabow Payment Solutions.

We're relying on electicity and mobile communication in almost every area of our business, so understanding how it all ties together will make sense of critical incidents, whether that's weather related or criminal intent. Listen in to learn how preparation will keep you able to perform minimum basic tasks to support our clients no matter what.

To work with dabow Payment Solutions, text SIMPLE to 972-521-7575. To work with Wes Smith, call call 214-477-NOW2.

To get started on your business success track with Doreen, go to https://VisionsToExcellence.com or call 650-483-5798.

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Doreen works with local small and mid-market businesses to help them take the big steps necessary for extreme and solid growth. Go to VisionsToExcellence.com to learn about her programs and get started in the right direction today.

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Big Ideas, Small Business is sponsored by:
https://dabowpay.com, dabow(R) Payment Solutions, text SIMPLE to 972-521-7575.
https://Worksuites.com, 469-310-6268 (Allen, TX)
Gracepoint Media – Audio/Video Production, https://Gracepoint.Media
Susan Hamilton, CEO and Executive Director OffBeat Business Media, LLC

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