新冠疫苗查證成份 : 確有墮胎嬰兒的細胞組織!人工智能軟件儀器,人類基因改造!Covid19 Vaccines confirmed with ABORTED FETAL TISSUE, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software tool,Expected high volume of Adversary Effects

3 years ago

新冠疫苗 從包裝說明上的暗號密碼,終於可以查證揭穿它的真正成份 : 確定含有墮胎嬰兒的細胞組織!逆苗人工智能軟件儀器,人類基因改造!在包裝說明上,早已經聲明會預期有大量人產生高量的藥物不良反應! Covid19 Vaccines Ingredients Research : Confirmed to contain with ABORTED FETAL TISSUE, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software tool,Expected high volume of Adversary Effects.... according to the codes and ingredients' names indicated on the printing of the packaging!!!

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