Pennsylvania 2020 Precinct Election Results

3 years ago

so this is a "re-pagination" of the November 2020 election results: Unlike the Georgia one (: the raw data only had 13 counties at precinct level:

so there is a mix of county level results and precincts: (they sorta add up to the stated results (what is 11 thousand votes between frens eg NYT and PA SoS? )) Bit more detail on these charts including votes Trump and Biden per Precinct /County.. will do an explanatory twitter thread : But we still show the vote split and the % of remaining votes that Biden has to win : Short story, cut short: after half the votes are counted he needs +75% up to 90+% and magically receives those margins as Trump's lead goes from 800 thousand to minus 77k.. even my puppy dog who can only count to four before she falls over said "no way! "

any questions twitter @politicalwilli
or email (but I am really crap at email)

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