3 years ago

As once I said that I can't live without you, when you were with me
..but in the end I learnt to be without you as well.
You know what?
I can imagine my remaining life without you
I even walk those streets alone, on which we walked together.
But now no need your coming back!
Yes, maybe I'll miss you, but still do not come back.
It's not necessary
Because I can dare without you
The films that were planned formus to watch together, I watched alone.
Songs that we should have listened together, listened on my own.
Even underlined the lines in the books that we were supposed to read.
And even drank all the coffee that was for us...
Where we were supposed to be together, I was alone.
I was without you
And yet I understood one thing,
that I can handle them all alone.
And therefore, please, do not come back!

Text: Mirach Chagri Aktash

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