Matt Clark Shares How To Launch & Grow Your Amazon Business

3 years ago

My guest in this episode is Matt Clark. Matt is a serial entrepreneur turned investor and is driven by the idea that you don't have to put your family or your future in jeopardy to start and run a successful business. A graduate of the #1-ranked undergraduate entrepreneurship program in the United States, the Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Houston, Matt graduated summa cum laude with a double-major in finance and entrepreneurship.

After a stint in corporate finance, he founded his first business at the age of 22 and grew that business into a multi-million dollar, industry-leading enterprise with thousands of products. Over the next four years, he launched and grew three more multi-million dollar businesses. Matt is now hyper-focused on practical things that business owners can do to drive growth and profitability, which he considers the true measure of any business. Learning and teaching these practices has become Matt's personal passion and the mission of He has authored numerous articles for some of the world's most respected business publications, including Forbes,, and Under 30 CEO. Matt is determined to teach would-be entrepreneurs all over the world how to start and run a business without making the same catastrophic mistakes as nearly eighty percent of those who try.

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