EP | 103 The Impact of Biden’s War on Texas

3 years ago

What is happening in Texas? From today’s guest Townhall article: Throughout the state of Texas since early March, citizens have been piling into meeting halls, cafes and other venues to standing-room only events to vent their frustration at the federal government for what appears to be an open, direct and hostile attack by the Biden administration, the Democrats and the leftists on the state and its residents. These town hall-type events, typically hosted by establishment Republican groups, have morphed into displays of outward anger similar to what was witnessed in early Tea Party meetings fueled at the time by the opposition to Obamacare – except the level of frustration now seen in these current events clearly eclipse the early Tea Party days. For many Texans, Washington, D.C. and the federal government are irrevocably and hopelessly broken. And Texas politicians are beginning to take serious notice of the dramatic shift in the political winds. Texas Republican State Representative Kyle Biedermann filed H.B. 1359 to allow Texans to vote on taking the first step to Texas independence – now commonly referred to as TEXIT. Texas independence, for many Texans, is considered a birthright and embedded in their DNA, forged by Texas’ unique history as a Republic. How did this happen? We don’t need to look any further than the total reversal changes in immigration policies that have led to an unprecedented mass illegal migration invasion into Texas on the 1,254-mile Texas-Mexico border, the shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline and at the height of the election integrity drama, the Supreme Court rejected the lawsuit filed by the Texas Attorney General which was joined by multiple other states that claimed federal and state election laws were violated in the November elections by Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. Finally, the devastating winter storm that impacted Texas only added fuel to the independence fire. The push by the feds to shutter coal-fired generation plants in favor of renewable energy sources proved to be unreliable in the historic winter event. With every move Congress and the Biden administration take, the chorus for TEXIT becomes louder, enough so that elected leaders in Texas are starting to realize that to be on the wrong side of a simple citizen referendum to explore the independence issue could haunt them in their next election. Daniel Miller, the President of TNM always closes his TEXIT presentations with the simple question, “If Texas were an independent country today – would you vote to join the Union?” – to which the crowds emphatically shout, “No!” David Thomas Roberts is the CEO of Teligistics, a telecom financial management firm and a serial entrepreneur, inventor, bestselling author, founder of Defiance Press & Publishing and a political columnist. Roberts’ latest book was co-written with Sheriff Joe Arpaio, titled “Sheriff Joe Arpaio: An American Legend”, with a foreword by Ted Nugent released in October 2020.

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