3 years ago

I congratulate you for choosing to relax at this moment by clicking on this video. This is an act of self-love that you have chosen at this moment to gift yourself. Much love and appreciation to you. You are doing the right thing!
For those of you asking what an affirmation is!
An affirmation is a set of words that fills you with positivity and uplifts you when you repeat them. Affirmations are used to rewire your brain of negative thought patterns and self-sabotaging beliefs.
This video was created to provide instant relief by breaking negative thought patterns momentarily when you listen to them and repeat them in your mind. By watching this video everyday and practicing these new thought patterns you will slowly rewire your mental conditioning to work for you rather than work against you.
Remember thoughts are just old memories that are repeating out of habit, these are called automatic thoughts. You have the power to break this pattern by awareness. You can create a new habit and new way of thinking. You are not your mind or your conditioning. You are a free spirit of God that glows radiantly, believe that.

Good Luck on your beautiful journey a head!

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