Fear of God is the Beginning of Wisdom

3 years ago

The bible has a plan to take you on a path from fear of death to fear of God. That fear of God and the keeping of His commandments is the beginning of wisdom!

Fear of death is likened to being held in a prison. One of the many purposes and goals of the Messiah at His first coming was to free the prisoners. The walls and bars of that prison are ignorance, and deception... it is the truth of God that sets us free.

Fear of God does not mean terror... such that we avoid God. Rather a healthy fear of God keeps us from doing evil. Fear of God is for your won good, to protect you from judgment and lead you on a good path to eternal life.

We should fear to break the spiritual laws that govern the universe as much as we fear to break the physical laws of the universe, such as gravity. Most of us have a healthy and respectful fear of defying the laws of gravity. Why not have the same fear of defying the spiritual laws which govern eternity?

Request a free copy of this free bible study guide titled The Ten Commandments its available at this link

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