TAKE ACTION! Fire Fauci!

3 years ago

The more we learn about the strange goings on at the notorious Wuhan lab in China and U.S. funding of some of the research that may have led to the creation of the deadly Covid virus -- the more certain we at Americans for Limited Government are that Dr. Fauci needs to go. With today's ALG Minute, I'm Catherine Mortensen. At Americans for Limited Government, we don't just keep you informed of the latest threats to your personal freedoms and liberties, we also give you a way to stay engaged and communicate directly with your lawmakers through online email campaigns. This week we are urging all of you to go to GET LIBERTY.ORG where you will find a link to send your Member of Congress and Senators an email urging them to support legislation to fire Fauci. The bill is the: Fauci’s Incompetence Requires Early Dismissal Act - or the FIRED Act. It's time to hold the so-called experts accountable for their failures. FOR MORE GO TO GETLIBERTY.ORG

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