Spot on tucker Carlson for exposing Kamala Harris for the fraud & liar she is

2 years ago

While the fake dnc propaganda media is pushing out democrat party propaganda & lies very few is speaking real truths about who & what Kamala Harris really is. I can only guess it’s out of fear how the reactions from the democrat party. Or the nazi like hate groups like BLM or antifa being sent out to shut you down. As the democrat party is known for. After all let’s be even more truthful here the democrat party is noting short of a party of anti facts anti American values. They feed hate & division most are very disturbed people. That founded the hate & racism that’s in this country today. The support anti Jewish propaganda they have at least 4 members in the us Congress that does this on a regular basis. Some were banned from coming to Israel because they were trying to help Palestine with them bds movement to harm Israel. You don’t have to look far In democrat ran states to see many forms of attacks against American citizens whom are if Jewish faith. Or cemetery’s defaced. I could go on and on. But if you have a social media account it’s a safe bet you have seen it countless time. The only thing I wished is that tucker Carlson had dove deeper into Kamala Harris record of how she abused her office in California helping to keep an innocent man in prison for a crime he didn’t commit or how she went after a journalist for exposing through undercover videos planned parenthood fir selling aborted baby body parts & the depths Kamala Harris went to taking them videos away from the journalists who got them while doing his undercover investigation..

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