3 years ago

"Censorship Literally Kills" - Dr. Eric Nepute
The Government originally came after Dr. Nepute for over $8 million in penalties....

Dr. Eric Nepute's Story

When Doctors that prescribe Vitamins to boost your immune system are demonized and hunted by Big Gov and Big Tech, but Doctors that want you to inject a deadly medical experiment into your body that's killed over 4.5K people are celebrated, then you know something is seriously "off" in our world. 

The federal government has accused Dr. Eric Nepute of deceptive advertising. They’re claiming that Dr. Eric Nepute used false information & fear to get people to buy vitamins. When the reality is the only ones who have used fear to push anything is the federal government and the pharmaceutical companies. They’ve taken away Dr. Eric Nepute's first amendment right to freedom of speech. They’ve also taken away his ability to maintain an oath he holds sacred as a doctor to first do no harm.  Dr. Nepute has literally given away over 2 million bottles of vitamin D and zinc for free to people all over the United States.

The Government originally came after Dr. Nepute for over $8 million in penalties. Additionally, they have attempted to slander and discredit him through the associated press and national media. He was repeatedly un-booked off scheduled national interviews once producers read false government propaganda on the internet. Government agencies attacked Dr. Nepute's character, slandered his name, and used him to try to make an example to silence and suppress other doctors who speak against the narrative of Big Gov & Big Pharma.  

Good news. We are already winning this battle. Our attorneys will tell you that Team Big Pharma / Big Misinformation have made some serious legal mistakes and absolutely have no science to back up any of their claims. We have expert witnesses including Nobel prize nominated doctors who will testify on Dr. Nepute's behalf. 

Dr. Eric Nepute's case will be one of the biggest cases for natural medicine and medical freedom that this country has ever seen. 

Attorney Thomas Renz has asked for expedited discovery on everything including information on the vaccines, alternative treatments to COVID-19, and any and all data that they have on the relationship between vitamin D, zinc, and COVID-19 symptomatology. Additionally, we have reason to believe that Big Tech has also interfered and been a partner in this deception on the American people and in this case. Obviously, suppression of information is a major problem.  As Dr. Nepute says "Censorship literally kills." 

Our goal with this case is simple. We want to inform people that the federal government is utilizing your taxpayer dollars to try to silence and suppress doctors who are trying to tell the truth about effective treatments and ways to boost your immune system and give healthcare advice to individuals on what they can do to prevent and mitigate their symptoms.

 According to the federal government right now the only thing that can be used to treat COVID-19 is a vaccine.  That's simply false. Additionally, the federal government has tried to put a gag order on Dr. Nepute to not discuss the case and to not talk about the medical journals and research that we have compiled proving without a shadow of a doubt that we can reduce the symptomatology and severity of cover 19 by the use of natural therapy such as vitamin D and zinc.

Something is seriously off when Doctors encouraging vitamins are demonized, but Doctors demanding the American people inject an untested, experimental, life altering, and deadly vaccine, are celebrated. 

Find Out More and Join Us in Our Fight Against Medical Tyranny 💪🇺🇲

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