The US appreciated the decision of Moscow to abandon the dollar in the NWF

3 years ago

In April 2021, the Joe Biden administration introduced new sanctions against the Russian Federation. In early June, the Russians decided to ditch the dollar in their National Wealth Fund, which totals 13.8 trillion Russian rubles, which is equivalent to USD 185.8 billion. Experts in the United States have assessed Russia's actions, according to the American television channel CNBC.

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said at the SPIEF-21 in St. Petersburg that the American currency in the assets of FNB will be replaced with the European euro, Chinese yuan and physical gold. Modification of the structure of reserves should take place within a month. After that, FNB will be 40% from the euro, 30% from the yuan, 20% from gold, as well as 5% each for the British pound and the Japanese yen.

BlueBay Asset Manager analyst Timothy Ash said the decision to get rid of the dollar was "highly political." He believes that with this move, the Kremlin sent a signal to the White House ahead of the summit of the American President and Russian leader Vladimir Putin. In fact, Moscow made it clear that it expects nothing from Washington, except for new anti-Russian restrictions.

We don’t need the US, we don’t need to do dollar deals, we are immune to future US sanctions

- Ash concluded, assessing the decision of Moscow.

Earlier, the chairman of the Central Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina in an interview called the digital ruble the future of the financial system of Russia, "since it correlates with the development of the digital economy." By the end of the year, a prototype should be prepared, and testing will begin next year 2022.

In turn, the ex-employee of the US Treasury Michael Greenwald thinks that this may become a cause for concern in Washington.

Russia, China and Iran could create their own digital currencies for central banks to avoid using the dollar, and other countries could follow suit. This is alarming

- explained Greenwald, summed up the American media.

We remind you that in 2018, President Putin supported the plan of the Russian government to de-dollarize the economy. This happened after the tightening of anti-Russian sanctions and other restrictive and unfriendly measures by the United States. Several years later, American experts began to sound the alarm.

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