Sidney Powell - Speaking in Texas on Memorial Day 2021

2 years ago

Sidney Powell addresses an audience at an event in Texas for Memorial day. She discusses the fraudulent 2020 Presidential election and that even at the Presidential level, a fraudulent President can, and should be removed from that position. I'll go a step further, and say that Joe Biden is going to be removed, provided he doesn't die of old age first.

The 2020 United States Presidential election was rigged with the help of the unlimited monetary resources of the World Economic Forum and following Klaus Schwab's order for his stakeholders to begin the Great Reset initiative once COVID seemed that it would reach pandemic status. That is the crisis Klaus needed to get rid of the United States as the single most difficult barrier to him accomplishing his goals. (

The Great Reset was given a slogan long before 2020 made its debut, "Build Back Better", and long before Joe Biden used it as his campaign slogan. If you know a global leader who used that phrase, then the chances that the person who said it was part of this Great Overthrow of the established governments of the world is extremely likely, probable even.

After everything I have seen regarding this issue, and after having been watching it unfold even prior to 2020 in various places of the world, the chances that the 2020 election here in the US wasn't rigged are a whopping 0%. There is a 100% chance it was rigged, and a 100% chance that Donald Trump won the election, and that will come out.

What I have yet to hear a single person on any news media outlet anywhere speak about, is who is behind this Great Overthrow, and that man is named Klaus Schwab. As we speak, they are destroying governments across the globe, including the U.S. government, in order to replace it with Klaus' version of earth. Earth according to Satan Klaus. If it weren't an evil plan, and an evil scheme, why is it being forced upon the entire world without any consensus other than the elitists at the WEF and the UN?

The answer is because it is evil. The people of the world should reject Klaus' version of their lives.

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