"We Made a Big Mistake" Viral Immunologist Reports on New Peer-Reviwed Study

3 years ago

In a recent interview with Canadian radio broadcast host, Alex Pierson, Dr. Byram Bridle's comments, and reporting on a new study that was just released, has gone viral.

Dr. Bridle's resume is extensive. He is a viral immunologist, currently an associate professor of virology and immunology at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. He leads research teams, studying the natural power of a patient's immune system to eliminate their own cancer cells. His teams also study host responses to viruses and other inflammatory stimuli. He also teaches students in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, graduate and undergraduate programs, at Guelph.

Dr. Bridle is very much pro-vaccination, and you will hear the host mention that in this 8 minute clip, as Dr. Bridle has been on the show multiple times. Dr. Bridle is voicing his concerns, from a recently released study, outlining why complications and severe side-effects are occurring after taking the C-19 vaccine(s). He states that he has all the peer- reviewed data in hand, to back up everything he is saying, along with other internationally recognized expert colleagues.

Not surprisingly, his speaking out last week has lead to him being harassed and viciously attacked online. We've all seen this happen, time and time again, when the very individuals we should be listening to, like scientists, doctors, virologists or immunologists, speak out against the mainstream narrative, there is a targeted campaign to discredit them that ensues.

Now, we can understand that sometimes experts disagree, but doesn't it make sense for them to debate and discuss, in an open forum, the same data that is being contested? When will this finally take place?

Listen and decide for yourself what you think of this very important discussion with Dr.Bridle. He states that "we made a mistake". We think it's time to listen up, and listen close, because these vaccines might not be what their pushers say they are.

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