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Gavin Goes Ballistic | Ep. 7

3 years ago

A California judge overturned the state’s AR-15 ban, and Gavin Newsom and gun control groups everywhere are already going nuts. Liz Wheeler uncovers the radical Left’s lies about gun violence and gun control, and presents real alternatives to their gun grabs. Plus, in case you forgot, Fauci is a total fraud. Now he's claiming if you criticize him, you are anti-science.


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Every week on "Young Heretics," Spencer Klavan walks listeners through the great works of the West to explore what the liberal elites won’t—truth, beauty, and the stuff that matters. Subscribe now and listen at https://youngheretics.com.


Lila Rose’s new book, “Fighting for Life,” is playbook for how to truly make a difference in a wounded world. Get your copy today at https://fightingforlifebook.com