Romans 7 - Sin & Death or Grace & Life

3 years ago

For a long time, I struggled to understand Romans 7. Paul writes about himself being under the law, struggling with covetousness, struggling with doing things that he doesn't want to do, but yet he does, and being stuck in the "body of death."

I think everyone feels as though they can relate to Paul's sentiments because we all fall short of the glory of God. However, when we examine the texts closely, we find that some of the things don't actually apply to Paul individually or to mankind collectively. Instead, we come to understand that they apply to Paul through a different collective, that he calls, the "body of death."

Who or what is this "body of death," that he is talking about? I'll give you a clue, it has to do with the two (2) covenants that God made with mankind.

These two (2) covenants are separate and distinct and only one (1) of them is still very much active and alive today.

Find out what these two covenants are and gain an understanding of the greatest gift ever given to mankind in this lesson on Romans 7.

Grace and Peace,
PJ Krauss

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