#105 - Attributes of God - Simplicity - 86 Seconds Video Devotional - Gary Wilkerson

3 years ago

First Corinthians Chapter 2 says that the Spirit teaches us the things of God. Yea, even the deep things of God. I believe you've been watching the series with us on the attributes of nature and character of God because you're hungry for the deep things of God. You're no longer satisfied with the pablum with a light touch, but you want to go deep into the things of God.

So knowing who he is is important and vital to this and one of the things we're going to talk about
today is the simplicity of God. Now we say that it sounds like we're talking about God being a simpleton, or that God is easy to figure out; he's so simple.

No, he's far beyond finding out he's infinite at all of his attributes. But what simplicity means to us is that God is one. He says this in - throughout the scriptures. I'm Lord, God, I am one. God is called the Shema in Hebrew, and so he is one. He's not made up of different parts like you and I are. We're part angry and part kind; part wrathful and part loving, and we varied from place to place.

But because God's unchanging he doesn't vary and so inside is very own nature is who he is. So in other words, the Bible says that God is love. He's not just doing love, his very nature is love.
All of his attributes are one in him; they are a single entity of God, and out of those things he moves in all these realms.

He moves in power; he moves and knowledge; he moves in wisdom, but who he is is all of those things wrapped up into the Lord. God is one God. This is good for us because now you can depend on him. He's going to be unchanging. He's going to be faithful. He's that solid rock for all of your needs.

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