2020 MAR 20 CoV19 TF Trump spars with Fauci, potential of HCQ, which has been proved effective

3 years ago

Fauci e-mail dump: now showed that Fauci was more in the loop than he let on concerning some of the Trump administration’s proposed treatment solutions.

He notoriously second-guessed then-President Donald Trump during a press conference statement about the benefits of using hydroxychloroquine.

Fauci refuted President Trump in a White House press conference on March 20:

Although Fauci seemed taken aback and insisted that the “anecdotal” claims had yet to be conclusively studied, a month earlier he had been looped into an email to Pence on Feb. 29 in which a pair of Oklahoma physicians extensively discussed their research on it.

“Is there any indication/data to substantiate this claim from China (attached publication) that chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine can decrease COVID-19 infections and lung disease?” wrote Maryland pharmacologist Philip Gatti.

Fauci’s passive reply echoed what he would later convey on the national stage.

“There are no data in this brief report and so I have no way of evaluating their claim,” he wrote dismissively.

“There are a lot of these types of claims going around,” he continued. “I would love to see their data.”

Then in May Dr. Fauci told CNN that hydroxychloroquine was actually “dangerous” and ineffective.

Dr. Fauci told CNN hydroxychloroquine was actually dangerous when used as a prophylactic against coronavirus. Hydroxychloroquine had been used safely for 65 years in millions of patients. And so the message was crafted that the drug is safe for its other uses, but dangerous when used for Covid-19.

This statement made headlines throughout the fake new media and it was a complete lie.

After Fauci’s statements on hydroxychloroquine, the tech giants began censoring any mention of the drug. The media mocked President Trump and anyone who suggested the drug was safe and effective. Doctors treating coronavirus patients were suspended from their social media accounts.

And hundreds of thousands of people died.


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