3 years ago

To urgently be added to the waiting list text 918-851-0102 NOW (If someone cancels we’ll reach out to you ASAP)

To Get Into the Tampa Health and Freedom Conference You Must Bring the 3 Following Physical Items:
1. A Signed Release and Waiver of Liability Form - Register at: http://revival.com/clayclark
2. Your Personal ID
3. A Printed Ticket

Watch Instructional Video Below:
To Learn More General Flynn and Clay Clark’s Reopen America Tour Visit:

Updates From the Remnant Church:
We here at Revival Ministries International, River University, and The River at Tampa Bay Church:

1) We do NOT support violence especially against individuals and government officials. We do not support or approve racism or extremism.
2) We do NOT support, advocate or conspire to Overthrow the US Government.
3) We encourage all active and retired military individuals not to violate the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
4) We encourage all Federal Law enforcement to follow US Code and their oath of office.
5) We believe that all Americans have God given rights as described in the Bill of Rights in our US Constitution.
6) As a Constitutional Republic we have elected governments to protect those rights.
7) At a local level, we support our Constitutional Sheriffs, State Governors, and others as they uphold their oaths of office in protecting us.
8) The Health And Freedom Conference allows Americans to share the truth about violations of our constitutional rights and how to preserve health and restore freedom.

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