Adrenochrome - Watch This Video

3 years ago

Thats my newtube i pretty much do daily uploads. Im good hearted and actually care about humanity unlike 95% of the world id say.

All my life . ive been dehumanized. I have massive trust issues and i know i have this adrenochrome thing. People do not really care about Jacob Noah Ruddell. Instead they act like it and use grooming tactics on me.

My legal name is Jacob Noah Ruddell
Birth Date: 11/16/1998
Homeless and currently in Pinole, CA and Hercules,CA they are right next to each other practically.

I will post daily videos like i said. Updating my location and everywhere i go. And displaying highlight videos of what happens to me daily. If no highlights happens, ill atleast do a report at night and morning everyday. If i miss out one day we have a problem but if i get atleast 1 out of the 2 reports done in the day. Everything is okay with my well being and current state.

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