Why Gays, Atheists and Feminists Are So Homophobic?

3 years ago

A straight person respectfully says "no homo" but a gay person says "are you gay or something?" Clearly, gay people are incredibly homophobic. Over the last two years, I have received on a regular basis homophobic comments on my YouTube channel, as well as hate on Instagram and Twitter, from not only allegedly gay people, but straight women, bisexual women, feminist women, and anyone who opposes traditional values and anti-feminist philosophy.

These are the same people that are supposed to champion tolerance for gay people, but maybe, they just want everyone to be gay, and if you're not gay yet, they are hoping you will be one day. The truth is, they hate traditional people and straight people since they left that side of them behind, and they want to force you into being as miserable as them.

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