諾貝爾獎得主-盧赫·蒙坦格尼爾 : 新冠逆苗 導致 變種病毒出現!

3 years ago

諾貝爾獎得主-病毒研究頂級專家-盧赫·蒙坦格尼爾 : 新冠逆苗 導致 變種病毒出現!French Nobel Prize Winner, Prof Luc Montagnier,The C0v!d V@xxxine Is Creating The Variants. And Certain Death For Their Recipients And Those Around Them!
諾貝爾獎得主-世界頂尖病毒專家,在訪問中被問到 : 為何在新冠逆苗 推行期間 ,竟然見到新感染數字和死亡人數反而爆升,連接種逆苗的年輕人都血栓塞或死亡,他直言不諱地說 : 這(新冠逆苗)是特大的錯誤!是科學界的錯誤,也是醫學界的錯誤!是不能接受的錯誤!歷史將會證明這個錯誤!因為,變種病毒,是由逆苗引起的!越多人接種逆苗,也會見到越多的死亡數字!我親自做了研究,也跟進了很多病例個案。有很多人是接種逆苗後才感染了新冠肺炎。我有研究所得,可以證明新冠的變種病毒,是人體免疫系統對新冠逆苗作出反抗導致。 當記者問到,在疫情大流行期間,是否該接受逆苗,他直接了當地說 : 不接種,想都不要想!!這是任何流行病學專家都知道的事實真相,只是他們大都選擇閉口啞忍。若你真的了解逆苗成份的話,你肯定知道,變種病毒乃是來自人體對逆苗的反抗本能。逆苗反而導-致疫情更大爆發!當逆苗把病毒注射入體內,那麼人體自身所產生的免疫抗體,就會驅使感染的病毒加增,稱為 Antibody Dependent Enhancement 抗體依賴性增強。 當體內的抗體大幅增加,就會導致各種感染隨之出現。 當抗體依附在病毒上,那就成為了受體,抗體變成了巨噬細胞,刺進病毒中。從此,抗體與病毒就連結在一起。於是,所謂的"變種病毒"就產生了! 變種病毒的出現並非偶然,而是基於人們在逆苗注射後所引發的後果,稱為 Antibody-Mediated Selection “抗體介導的選擇"。 The Nobel Prize winner - the world's top virus expert, was asked in the interview: Why did the number of new infections (variants) and deaths soar during the implementation of the Cov!d V@xxxine, and the young people who were connected to the vaccine were all thrombosed or died , he said bluntly: This (Cov!d V@xxxine) It is a huge mistake! It is the mistake of the scientific community, and it is also the mistake of the medical community! It is an unacceptable mistake! History will prove this V@666ine is Wrong! Because, the mutant virus (variants) is caused by the Cov!d V@xxxine! The more people are vaccinated, the more deaths will be seen! I have done my own research and followed up on many cases. Many people are infected with new cov!d variants after being vaccinated. I have research results that can prove that the variant virus is caused by the human immune system's resistance to the Cov!d V@xxxine. When Prof Luc Montagnier was asked whether he should accept the vaccine, he said directly: "Don't get vaccinated, don't even think about it! !」 This is a fact that any epidemiologist knows, but most of them choose to keep their mouths shut. If you really understand the ingredients of Cov!d V@xxxines, you must know that the mutant virus variants comes from the human body's instinct to resist the Cov!d V@xxxine. Cov!d V@xxxines instead lead to a bigger outbreak! When you inject the virus into your body, the immune antibodies produced by the body itself will drive the infection of the virus to increase, which is called Antibody Dependent Enhancement. When the antibody in the body increases greatly, it will lead to various infections and new Variants appeared. When an antibody attaches to a virus, it becomes a receptor, and the antibody becomes a macrophage that stabs into the virus. Since then, antibodies and viruses have been linked together. Thus, the so-called "mutant virus variant" was born! The emergence of the mutant virus variant is not accidental, but it is based on the consequences caused by people after the v@xxxine injection, which is called Antibody-Mediated Selection!", "Antibody-mediated selection".

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