🐟 Rehabilitation & Release of Wild Fish ❤

3 years ago


You can't practice "catch & release" if it's inhumane and your fishing ends up just killing the fish anyway that you didn't intend to keep. And you can't be humane if you're using barbed hooks. Barbed hooks are for children and women who can't land a fish otherwise, or for survival situations where you absolutely have to land the fish. An experienced angler engaging in recreational fishing doesn't have a legitimate reason to need a barb on their hook. It's inhumane, and it's not sporting. It makes your efforts too easy if the fish makes the slightest contact with your hook, and then gets hopelessly snared by it. Well, what sport is that? That you baited something that has a reverse facing barb on it, that it makes losing the fish nearly impossible? What a sport!

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