The Final Card - I told you it was coming...

3 years ago

And No, I'm not a prophet, God didn't need to tell me, it's as plain as day to see if one is watching - The controllers of this world don't allow just anything on TV and in movies, they CONTROL THE THEMES and using "Predictive Programming", they tell us themselves what they are going to do far in advance.

Long before the world "terrorist" scene and the 911 inside job, they plastered that concept all over TV and movies, just go back to the 70's and 80's and watch the so-called "entertainment" which proceeded it. They TOLD us that they were going to have a plandemic from the 80's on (even the 70's if you include "The Andromeda Strain"). They constantly show us dystopian future scenarios and train us how we should react to them. They've shown us for decades, movie after movie of skilled "hackers" in dark places, thousands of miles away who could hack major government and corporate facilities (even though I can tell you as a programmer of over 30 years, the laughable Hollywood "hacking" concept is complete FANTASY, it's BS! That's not the reality - all this alleged hacking is just another control OP, the pipeline and meat companies are NOT being "hacked", they're simply controlling the output to create a reaction, they need FEAR, anxiety, uncertainty, chaos - this is a clear sign that they are about to pull another BIG ONE on us.).

All that stuff is happening, but not because it's real, I assure you it is not real; it's happening because "they" are making it happen, first they design it in your mind and have you rehearse for decades, and then they do a live run and see where it gets them (Just like they did this planned fake-demic).

We've been setup for many decades now for what's about to happen, they've tricked us, they have pulled a Magicians ILLUSION on us. They have gaslighted everyone into deceiving themselves about where they actually are and what the earth really is - if everyone knew the truth of just this one thing then they could never pull this next one off.

Our minds have been prepared for what we might see coming upon this earth, we have been trained by the movies and TV shows on how to react when we see them, it's gonna look real, we've already fallen for the imaginary infrastructure needed for this illusion to take place and they did it by using mere images and and concepts like, because "scientists say so". They're gonna make it sound real, look real, feel real, even some of us who know better may be temporarily fooled and left in doubt if we're not prepared.

If they're "friendly aliens", then react this way, if not then this way - all the possible scenarios and reasons for why they have come and how we should feel about those reasons have already been planted in our mush minds and have been rehearsed many times over. World-wide Pandemonium would be their wet dream come true - you can get a lot done when everyone is scared and confused and looking desperately for a calm measured voice to come in and say, "I got this..." - guess who that might be? (No, it doesn't start with a "J").

The STAGE is now prepared, All the PLAYERS and PROPS are in place, "quiet on the set...annnnd ACTION..."

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