Can Christians support LGBT sin month And can we support the police that support LGBT

3 years ago


So it's pride month again, or what I call sin month, celebrating sin. I don't know what's more disturbing to me than people having a parade for sin, or society trying to accept sin and boast about it.

This concept is not new, in Romans 1:32, it is written, "Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them."

What gets me today, is that the police departments are celebrating this filth as if it's a normal and acceptable human function. What bothers me about the police promoting this filth, is they're supposed to be neutral organizations that are supposed to be fair, and impose law and justice; this is supposed to be blind, now, as a Christian I don't actually believe man's justice is fair. We have a tendency to pollute man's law. Rapist get light sentences, murderers sometimes walk free, and etc...

You no longer see the 10 Commandments in front of court houses, you'll never see a courthouse or a Police Department fly a flag for Christ, and yet they will fly a flag that goes against God's law and chooses man's law instead.

If no one can see the contradiction that the police departments are making, then you really haven't thought about it. 50 years ago, this kind of behavior would have been looked upon similarly to how we would look at the disgust of celebrating pedophiles.

So, are we expected in another 50 years to start to celebrate pedophiles? When will it end? How can you say homosexuality is right? And not say pedophilia is right as well?

The police have no business promoting this filth. The Christian community needs to start fighting back! If COVID-19 has taught us anything...neutrality is a myth! I'm asking the Christian community to write to your politicians, but especially right to the police departments; every single one of them that supports this filth needs to be shown that if they are not willing to support Christ, then we cannot support their sin month...if they're supposed to be neutral.

I'm reminded of a sermon that Charles Spurgeon preached in 1855 titled:

"How Saints may help the devil!" Here is a link to the full sermon.

I am going to list a few of his points from the beautiful parts of his service.

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