stubborn mule...never coming off the mountain (flip phone)

3 years ago

gotta meet w/ mgr and union representative
could be my severe lack of punctuality
whenever they get the union involved...
i don't believe in time
petty trivial shit like time/social norms
miss you micah dean
"everybody's jealous of you" (flip phone)
micah is too smart to be liberal
left to the devices of steve jobs...meth heads
ya know what else is driving
a very sexist guy, in my head
an ongoing lifelong sentiment towards women that i don't enjoy
twilight is not a book
afghanistan is pretty on point
ivy league, skull & bones schools
"we don't have problem with homosexuality in our country" (2004)
diagnostic manual of psychiatric disorders
homosexuality no longer regarded as a disorder (this changed in the seventies)
why can't you accept that you are retarded some of the time
fuck that free mason shit, get away from me you jewsuit (minus the w)
taking pride in doing sumin that is an abomination against God
of course this rainbow country is on it's way out
hopefully jenny kunzweiler ain't in a cabinet
that one time jenny smoked weed on stage at tk2 after i told her not to

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