Wacky Wednesday The Aftermath , Be grateful for the TRUTH

3 years ago

Fall out of the #FauciEmails release showing the #covid19 virus was made in a lab then weaponized against the people. now we are entering the stage I'm calling THE AFTERMATH...

1. Democrats are Retarded , or suffer from a Mental illness
2. Black Man identifies as a White Lesbian trolls a gay activist
3. Depopulation Agenda Explained
4. The Ultimate Truth about this Plandemic
5. Dr Fauci Emails stating MASK DON'T WORK , that only people who should be wearing them are infected sick people.
5. Asymptomatic transmission was exposed to be a lie
6. another email says the virus was created in a lab
7. Dr. Fauci admits that Coronavirus is not a threat to the public .

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