How to Support a Loved One With an Addiction - Adelante Recovery

3 years ago

Watching a loved one suffer from addiction can be a difficult and heartbreaking experience.

Follow these 3 tips to offer support to someone struggling with addiction:

Let Them Know You Are There to Help
Addiction is often exacerbated by external factors, including daily stress. Substance use is a way to cope with overwhelming anxiety and other feelings.

Knowing someone is there to provide support can help a loved one face their challenges and get on the road to recovery.

Don’t Criticize
Addiction is a disease, and it’s not a person’s fault. Shame will do more harm than good.

Try to encourage a loved one to speak in positive terms to help them feel motivated and optimistic about the future.

Set Boundaries
Knowing what lines can’t be crossed can encourage a loved one to seek help for their addiction, and can protect your well being as well.

If necessary, set curfews, refuse to bail them out of legal or financial difficulties, and don’t allow them to drink or use drugs in your company.

At Adelante Recovery, we know supporting a loved one with addiction can be challenging. Our addiction specialists are here to help begin the healing process.

Call 949-427-9099 to schedule a free evaluation or visit our website at

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