Armed Men at Black Power Convention @ Tulsa Speech 31 May 2021

3 years ago

Group of 50 Plus people at a speech in Tulsa on 31 May 2021. Individuals were seen wearing black in color bdus , others seen with New Black Panther Party Hoodies. Some flags were those of African Liberation, One Flag of Anubis, God of Death. Some rifles, varying style, and calibers. Video found @postmilenial

Transcript By Ameridos America Below
“we aint never asked this country for nothing”
We aint never asked this country for one thing
We have given this country everything,
We were XXX 500 years
We're still asking
For what we deserve
A black man or a black woman should not have to ask for a job
They should be given a job
Our ancestor's blood sweat and tears, every time this country gives a task we complete it
We have stylers, doctors, lawyers, we have proven ourselves to be civil people
What else does it take? What else does it take? Well you know what we figured it out
Guess what, its time for us to change the Mfing game. Its time for us to change the GD game.
They only respect one thing, a body for a body, a tit for a tat, I tell you what though, you can kill a revolutionary, but you can never kill a revolution
#protest, #speech, #newblackpantherparty, #africanliberation, #reporting,#africanliberation, #tulsa

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