Sofia Smallstorm: Nature's Oldest Storage Device

3 years ago

Sofia Smallstorm joins Emily for another romp around the ole rabbit hole. Enjoy! ;)

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Public Hour: Nature’s Oldest Storage Device
- Information hunting with Sofia Smallstorm
- Bio-computation
- Jenny Lake
- Storing data
- Synthetically made DNA
- Ancient encryption system
- Moore’s Law
- Saving everything
- Anthony Patch
- Biology = nanotechnology
- The actual laboratory V word
- Plant to crystal alchemy
- TMV envelope
- Postal analogy
- The autoimmune storm
- What is the storm powering?
- Moving information into other realms

Patron’s Hour: Revisiting Sugar As Programmable Matter
- Storing information on sugar, Brown University 2019 study
- First time sharing of Emily’s live talk on sugar at Harvest Moon Festival
- Writing on the whole mess
- Custom made synthetic filtrates to treat disease
- Bluetooth connection
- And so much more!!!

Jenny Lake’s blog:

Sofia Smallstorm: to get her newsletter, go to
Sofia’s store:

Contact Emily at with comments, show topic suggestions or to book a session for intuitive anything from nutrition consulting to life coaching or just plain ole’ story telling!

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