Tucker Carlson Tonight 2 June 21

3 years ago

Talk about a smoking gun. Fauci's involvement in gain of function research, and his perjury concerning this matter seem pretty darn incontrovertible at this point. He's lied about the origin of the CCP virus, he lied about the immunity given by the antibodies of those that have had it, and he's lied about the efficacy of masks. This douchebag is going to go down as one of the worst human beings that ever walked the earth. How much wealth and suffering has the world hemorrhaged because of this guy? How much money has he made, and his email buddy Bill Gates made because of his lies, especially about the need for everyone, everyone, to be vaccinated. Alex Berenson joins Tucker to go over the evidence.
Cyber attacks are on the rise this time threatening the meat supply. Trace Gallagher reports
The Idiot gave a degusting speak yesterday about White Supremacy. A made up problem with all the "correct" solutions. Tucker goes over the facts. That's right FACTS, that the Idiot ignores. The Idiot's key takeaway? The KKK defines America. Really? Calling him an idiot is an insult to idiots. Horace Cooper joins Tucker to go over the real facts.
BLM is auctioning wild Mustangs in the west. An animal welfare story worth a look.
Short excerpt from TC Today about the Opioid epidemic. Upsetting.
Idaho LtGov Janice McGeachin joins Tucker to explain her fight to end anti-white curriculum in Idaho schools. One might ask, why the Lt.Gov? Shouldn't the Governor being doing this? Good question, Governor? Governor?

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