Urgent Appeal --- The First Bank Founded on Love May 29, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

2 years ago

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Urgent Appeal --- The First Bank Founded on Love May 29, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

For thousands of years, banks have been founded on lies and idolatry and self-interest, so the entire concept of a bank founded on love is as alien as a mermaid goat. And yet, yesterday, The Global Family Bank was founded on exactly that premise: the idea that money should serve humanity, instead of humanity serving money.
If you step back and think about it, as I often have, the common banking paradigm reduces the joy and dignity of mankind to the level of being rats in a maze, learning to push the button to get a treat--- and it's an arbitrary treat, a commodity akin to any other widget.
It's hard to hold back the overwhelming sense of incredulity once you think about it and grasp the situation: we are letting ourselves be enslaved to little pieces of paper, plastic cards, little round pieces of metal, or even worse, digits on a ledger.
The whole situation is, in truth and in fact, ridiculous.
So let's think about these things more deeply.
And when we do, we find that, as with so many other things, we've been living in a world that is upside down and backward.
Money isn't the measure of a man. Man is the measure of money.
Faced with these facts and the looming crisis the bankers are deliberately creating both by manipulating commodities including gold and silver, and by failure to offset debt, what is one to do?
Let 70% of the world's population starve or fall victim to violence? Let the creatures of Hell feast on us again? We think not.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/05/urgent-appeal-first-bank-founded-on-love.html

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