A Terrifying Thought May 27, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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A Terrifying Thought May 27, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

I learned early that all my observations are not positive or helpful, and not welcome, either. Still, I persisted in my honesty well into my life, and only somewhere after the age of thirty learned some part of discretion and the value of silence when nothing can be changed by speaking.
Yes, I have considered not saying this and not releasing and sharing the link that I am making available on my website, www.annavonreitz.com, because it is so unbearably graphic and so irrefutable for those who have been vaccinated already.
We are presented with photos of healthy blood cells reduced to misshapen, distorted things and damage that cannot be denied.
The nightmare is real. And we are left to consider the Bogey Men, who failed their Public Trust and Duty to protect the American people---- condemning millions of trusting innocents to death via a loathsome and wasting and man-made plague.
You will remember that the British Territorial Government responsible for the U.S. Military conscripted our health professionals as "Uniformed Officers" and required them to be licensed to practice medicine on U.S. Citizens. What if they are using these "officers" to wreck death and havoc, like any other military force?
Who betrayed us at the "dock" and set up the whole Birth Certificate scam?
Medical doctors.
Who promoted the use of Smallpox infected blankets to decimate Native American tribes?
Medical doctors.
Who covered up the terrible effects of electromagnetic radiation sickness?
Medical doctors.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/05/a-terrifying-thought.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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