Mirror - Introduction to the Secret Space Program 101 by James Rink, Johan Fritz and FESIG

3 years ago

I originally uploaded this clip to BitChute back in Dec. 2021 and now moving the file to Rumble after adding the HMS Digital Intro today. It's a fairly long video of 1hr 24 min. and yes I cut off the trailing end. You can find the entire video on James Rink's YouTube Channel.

In this video James Rink and Johan Fritz will guide the listeners into a introduction of the history of the secret space program. James Rink and Johan Fritz are both veterans of the SSP and in a power point presentation will be guiding you how these programs began and who the key players are today.

Also participating in this video to assist with listener questions is a special collaboration of FESIG the Free Energy Special Interest Group who are providing a forum for visionaries and speakers to share about new emerging technologies of the future.

Be sure to subscribe to this channel and to FESIG

Johan's contact information is :Johanfritzssp@gmail.com

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Johan Fritz was in the Marine Corps and he was picked up from Diego Garcia and then recruited into the secret space program as a Kruger officer at LOC. From there he was transferred into the Mars Defense Force and later Nacht Waffen Extra Solar and he has done a total of 40 years of service and eventually made it to the executive level management aboard the USS Patton, CEO of the Franklin, another ship for 15 years. Johan is able to remember more than other experiences because he was able to resist the mkultra program he was put through. He will be discussing the dynamics of secret space program as well as answering audience questions.

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