Norwich Terrier dreams in the sunshine

3 years ago

Isn’t a dog sticking its head out of a car window just the picture of perfect bliss?
Why do dogs DO that, and risk getting bugs in their eyes?
Because the thrill is SO worth it! Very few dogs can resist the feeling of a breeze running through their fur and their ears flapping in the wind as they ride along with wind-whipped grins. Dogs seem to be all-in when it comes to enjoying this simple pleasure.
Not only do the sights and sounds whizz by, delighting and entertaining our pets, … but just think of the smorgasbord of smells that waft along as well! The more receptors you have, the more sensitive your nose is. We humans have 5 million scent receptors, but a dog has 300 million! By sticking their head out the window, they can smell every person in the street, every trash can next to the curb, and every patch of grass. And if the drive is going through a restaurant district — what happiness!
And while many dogs love excitement and adventure, looking out the window may help some dogs gain a sense of control over their environment by allowing them to see where they are. They could be trying to anticipate what’s next, or trying to figure out if they’re going to the dog park or the vet. Big difference 
And one final thought. When dogs are confined in any capacity, they tend to look for an opening. Whatever the reason, most dogs can’t resist a cracked window. The same might go for other animals too, in fact. Dogs simply happen to be the creatures we travel around with the most. I’ve seen horses with their heads out the trailer window and I’m sure most animals behave similarly.
After all, who can resist the wind in their face? Certainly not Russell the Terrier!

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