3 years ago

Wynema Ranch was classified as a 'Wild Horse Rescue" it was actually a scam front for Eddie Floyd and now it is a front for illegally using marijuana on animals combined with an illegal marijuana growing operation. The ranch is now owned by the world renowned quack John Forsyth who has come under fire for experimenting on patients without their permission. Although never convicted of any crimes his medical practice on more than one occasion has come under scrutiny.
It is the belief that the ranch is exploiting the 501C(3) status and embezzling monies...It is our understanding that Hidden Valley Wild Horse Protection Fund supply's the feed at a cost of apprx 60k in fed per year.
Wynema Ranch takes the tax deduction for this cost. While they refuse to release a current IRS 909. We are filing a IRS 13909 to obtain the records to clarify the matter.

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