Integration Community in Singapore (3 Weeks Online Program) - Ignite Integration Shape

3 years ago
Full Details will be shared closer to launch date.
Date Time Program Name Overview
19 Jun 2021 10 AM - 1 PM Event Opening and Briefing Guest Speakers: Special Guest, IIS Organisers and Selected Participants will be sharing and what’s installed for the next 3 weeks.

26, 27 Jun 2021 10 AM - 1 PM Peak Experience Finding our way back to our true and Natural self. Tap into the deep sense of connection with each other. Choose between 26/27 Jun to attend our sessions.

3, 4 Jul 2021 10 AM - 1 PM Integration Dialogue Let our stories do the talking, finding coherence within, coherence without. Choose between 3/4 Jul to attend our sessions.

3, 4 Jul 2021 2 PM - 5 PM Jerusalem Dance Project Apply and reinforce the IIS experience. The power of collective wisdom. Choose between 3/4 Jul to attend our sessions.

10 Jul 2021 10 AM - 1 PM Event Closing Reflection Sharing and Upcoming programs.

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