Integration Community in Singapore (Introduction)

3 years ago

Integrate Better, Enjoy Better, Better Life In Singapore, A Better Cohesive Singapore
Discover how unity in diversity can be achieved so that we can live, work and play, enjoy diversity for the better. Yes I Can! Yes We Can!

In this age of disruption, tension and uncertainties lurk.
The crisis before us is not to be faced alone. We at IIS look beyond resilience, it is no better time to come together in a safe and supported environment, leverage the power of collective wisdom for a more cohesive society.

Beyond who we are (you, me, them) we are in Singapore and we are here to stay.
How might we call Singapore our home, enjoy each other’s uniqueness, let it come alive in this community development program!

Talk a lot about the team here, replacing tribe or kampung, alien to some. Essentially how might we come together, support each other as brothers and sisters of one human family settling down in Singapore? Together we can make it a better place for you and me.

Sowing of Seeds…

At BISA, we have been bridging differences and uplifting communities mainly between Singapore and Indonesia. We have actively networked over the years to establish great relationships with diverse businesses and communities of different nationalities.

We are proud to collaborate with the facilitating team from SyncFlow to guide and help us navigate the waters of tension and uncertainties. Finding coherence within and coherence without, returning us to our natural thriving ecosystem of co-existence and co-lead. A better future together!

Thriving Seedlings

With the success of our coffee bonding sessions, the Kopi Darat Trust Series. Instilling knowledge of Trust through dialogue and networking. With the support of MCCY, we are launching the first of a series of programs to create a safe and supported environment for trust and collaboration to flourish. Creating bonds that last a lifetime, a more cohesive Singapore society!

What you will takeaway in the 3 weeks?

 Top 5 things

Who is this sessions not for?

 Individuals who do not care about the well-being of others.
 Individuals who are not open for collaboration or exploring new way of working.
 Teens who are too young to start or hold a conversation.

Zoom Program
1. Main program area for briefing.
2. Deeper bonding through breakout groups of 6-7

Full Details will be shared closer to launch date.
Date Time Program Name Overview
19 Jun 2021 10 AM - 1 PM Event Opening and Briefing Guest Speakers: Special Guest, IIS Organisers and Selected Participants will be sharing and what’s installed for the next 3 weeks.

26, 27 Jun 2021 10 AM - 1 PM Peak Experience Finding our way back to our true and Natural self. Tap into the deep sense of connection with each other. Choose between 26/27 Jun to attend our sessions.

3, 4 Jul 2021 10 AM - 1 PM Integration Dialogue Let our stories do the talking, finding coherence within, coherence without. Choose between 3/4 Jul to attend our sessions.

3, 4 Jul 2021 2 PM - 5 PM Jerusalem Dance Project Apply and reinforce the IIS experience. The power of collective wisdom. Choose between 3/4 Jul to attend our sessions.

10 Jul 2021 10 AM - 1 PM Event Closing Reflection Sharing and Upcoming programs.

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