Is Ivermectin Effective as a Prophylaxis (preventative) to COVID-19? Dr. Kory weighs in.

2 years ago

Dr. Kory details Ivermectin’s effectiveness in prophylaxis. I want to briefly summarize the evidence that is effective in prevention, you will not get sick. An Argentinian study, 800 health care workers took Ivermectin as a prophylaxis and not one got sick. In the 400 that didn’t take Ivermectin, 237 got sick. It has immense potent anti-viral activity. Four large randomized control trials totaling over 1,500 patients, in each trial, it is showing, it’s immensely effective.

‘A Guide to Home-based COVID treatment’ here:

Who is Dr. Kory?
Dr. Kory is a lung and ICU specialist who currently serves as the President and Chief Medical Officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. Considered one of the world’s clinical experts on ivermectin and COVID-19, he has co-authored ten manuscripts during the pandemic to date.

On December 8, 2020, Dr. Kory testified to the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs on the urgency and importance of expediting the federal government review of low cost, widely available and potentially beneficial early combination treatments for COVID-19. Previously, Dr. Kory had testified May 6th, 2020 to Senate Committee regarding the timely role of corticosteroids in the treatment of COVID. Prior to COVID, Dr. Kory was considered a pioneer and international expert in both therapeutic hypothermia and critical care ultrasound. He served as the senior editor of a best-selling and award-winning ultrasound textbook which is now in its 2nd edition and seventh language translation. Dr. Kory is also considered a master educator and has won major Departmental Teaching Awards at multiple institutions in his career.

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