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Supreme Court Orders

3 years ago

The United States Supreme Court issued two new opinions today and set the stage for future rulings – we review.​

🔵 The Supreme Court issues new unanimous (9-0) opinions in cases involving tribal police and the credibility of immigrants – we review. ​
🔵 In Garland v. Dai, the Court held that the presumption about credibility in immigration proceedings created by the Ninth Circuit is invalid. ​
🔵 In United States v. Cooley, the Court finds that the tribal police have authority to detain and search non-Native individuals passing through a reservation.​
🔵 Jonathan Turley recaps the political landscape with court packing being openly discussed amongst democratic politicians. ​
🔵 Democratic Senator Blumenthal (D-Conn) warns the court against ruling on Roe v. Wade.​

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⚠ Disclaimer! Please remember that this video is for analytical and informational purposes only. Watching content on this channel does not create an attorney-client relationship. Robert's views are not the views of the firm. ​

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#WatchingtheWatchers #SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtOrders #SupremeCourtoftheUnitedStates #SCOTUS #SCOTUSblog #NewOrders #immigrants #tribalpolice #NativeAmericans #RoeWade