Got A Hobby?

3 years ago

#1MinuteEncouragement There are a lot of things we human beings do to refresh our soul. Some of us golf, some of us fish, some of us read, some of us play tennis, some of us paint, some of us hike, some of us enjoy the ocean. We have never not had the opportunity to refresh our soul. Why don’t we take it? We live in such a harried world where we are pushed to perform way above our means to do so. We deplete ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally by not taking breaks in our lives and replenishing our soul. Sometimes we push so hard that we “crash and burn” and then we have to take a break. Why do we let it get that far where we have nothing left? God has blessed us with so many things we can do to “rest our soul”! There are hundreds of different hobbies and things we can do? What do you enjoy doing when you take time off? What feeds your soul? Do you have a hobby? We so need to take time and feed our soul with some rest and peace. Do something you love today. I hope for you a really sweet hobby kind of day. Take some time off once in a while and just breathe in and refresh your soul!! Dig Deeper:

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