Interior Freedom VI

3 years ago

Fr. Phillipe observes, what blocks God’s grace in our lives is less about our sins and more about our failure to accept our weaknesses. This is contra to transhumanism.

Jansenism was a terrible heresy in France in 1700’s. Jansenism proposed only those who were perfect could approach God. Holy Communion was infrequently received. One bishop boasted that his diocese had no sacrilegious Communions because he prohibited the distribution of Communion. Mean and stern pictures of Jesus were put in front of the tabernacle to remind people of their weak and sinful nature. This heresy is alive and well today when there is a failure to accept ourselves, which then leads to accepting others.

Denies forgiveness of venial sins

Denial of healing of body.

No exterior or interior freedom based on a lie.

Honest about ourselves.

When the soul trusts and gives permission to the Holy Spirit to act, then God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. God gives us what we desire, if we desire holiness, He will give it. But accepting our littleness is a precursor. When God gazes at a soul, He does not primarily see what is but what can be with His grace. The balance is between accepting ourselves as we truly are COUPLED with the desire to be a great saint trusting that God does not give desires or commands that cannot be fulfilled. St. Therese’ hallmark. This balance is holiness which Fr. Phillipe defines as,

Holiness= possibility of growing indefinitely in love of God and our brothers and sisters[1]

Last rebellion, immersive in God, the divine. God is without end, Presence. We seek Him, no end to happiness in heaven. Never cease growing in holiness.

Accepting others is easier when we accept ourselves. Different Temperaments. Allows for forgiveness of others. Forgiveness not same as condoning. It is a deliberate choice to will the good of the other. This breaks the chains of bondage and allows for true emotional healing. Sometimes, emotional healing precedes forgiveness. Either way, forgiveness is necessary for interior freedom.
Accepting suffering, which is consenting to it, trusting that God can bring good out of it, and in this manner making a free act of welcoming the situation. Christ welcomed the cross, not because He was masochistic, but because of the great good (salvation of man) that would come from it. Therese’, “Everything is grace”.
3 levels holiness, accept, offer up, offer up more suffering

[1] Ibid 42

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