Cheetah saves cubs from lions

3 years ago

Lion and Cheetah are from the same family, but they are from different genus. Lion belongs to Panther leo, and they like to live in group called ‘prides’, whereas cheetah belongs to Acinonyx jubatus, and he is fastest animal on earth.The lion’s scientific name is Panther leo, and he mainly belongs to the Felidae or cat family. Their primary habitats are in Africa, with a few still living in the Gir Forest of India. Unlike most cats, lions are excellent swimmers and are the only members of the cat family with manes, though only the male lions have manes. Lions are carnivores, i.e. meat eaters; they hunt animals from ranging in size from small hares to large buffalo.Lions live in grasslands and plains. Their tawny-colored coats act as camouflage. They are not jungle dwellers. Generally, the darker the lion's mane, the older he is. Cubs are born in litters of one to six, with two to four being the average number.

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