Porn Culture Drives The Demand For Sex Trafficking

3 years ago

There is an abundant supply of women who call themselves "sex workers"; opting for this alternative term that isn’t cloaked in the shame the term "prostitution" carries. There’s an abundant supply of women all trained to act the part a sex trafficked woman is forced to play-All for the purpose of pleasing MEN and meeting MALE demand.

It’s actually not natural for men to want to buy women or little girls or to harm them or violate them. This is why a directed, concerted effort to normalize certain sexual behaviors had to be done to prime and groom our culture to accept these new transactions as normal- otherwise people would be too outraged and fight hard against it.

OnlyFans is recruiting so many young women to their platform eagerly anticipating the day they turn 18 and have the “opportunity” to get naked and girate their genitalia in front of a bunch of slobbering men who don’t respect women.

Men aren’t buying access to women to respect them.

Men who purchase prostitutes today aren’t looking for "intimacy" or "connection". They’re buying them to choke them, spit on them, film it and show their friends so they can masterbate to it and thus the cycle repeats itself.

Porn is prostituion with a camera.

These women are not empowered. They serve men. They know that if they don’t perform according to male demand or expectation they won’t have the platform, the money, the bags or the clout.

The sexualization and commodification of women is all for the purpose of attracting male attention and then exploiting yourself to meet male demand. At some point it’s not enough.

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