How We Got the New Testament

3 years ago

The Old Testament took over one thousand years to write and a few hundred more years to finalize. On the other hand, the entire New Testament was written in less than 50 years and the books that were to be included were probably finalized within a century after that.

Even so, there's a lot of confusion about why we have certain books in the New Testament and not others. The New Testament canon (the list of books) was set by consensus among congregations all over the Roman Empire and beyond. Despite their very different cultures and traditions, the twenty-seven books that we have now are the ones they all agreed on long before Emperor Constantine convened the Council of Nicea

Additional note: There was some controversy about a few of the NT books, like 2 Peter and Hebrews, but the vast majority of Christians in the second and third centuries were in agreement.

From Jay Carper at American Torah (

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