A Heavenly Sign Awaited from Ancient Times Being Fulfilled? By God's Roadmap YT

3 years ago

God's Roadmap to the end YT channel
Explanation of the possible meanings of June 10, 2021 (6/10/2021) solar eclipse (a sign, omen, warning, and harbinger to the nations)

Before watching this video, keep in mind that 610 is also Hadassah Belly Womb (61) x YOD Hand of God (10). It is a signal to the people of the USA and world (meaning the Gentile nations goy goyim) that they have shut out, forsaken, put out, and cast away the Light (the Holy Spirit of truth) of their Father God Almighty who is the Father of lights. HE, as our ABBA Father, brings every good gift to mankind but the people of earth are not heeding the commandments of YHVH Yehovah Jehovah GOD as written within the two tablets of stone and called the Ten Commandments of the Ark of the Covenant.

God will bring His righteousness and His judgments upon the earth to restore His commandments within the hearts, minds, and souls of His people whom He will save and redeem because His mercies are great.

Who knew that a heavenly sign that is about to occur in the sky above us, have been shown to us as part of the Egyptian mystery religion - the same one that is now ruling most of this world. Do you know what this could be signaling?

In this video we look at some of the aspects surrounding these questions.

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Keep your eyes on our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and do not submit yourself to the lies of the enemy whose main goal is to steal kill and destroy.


Series about Understanding the Rapture - VERY IMPORTANT TO WATCH!!

TheologyEd's Video on the Mark of the Beast as shown in I, Pet Goat 2:

If you would like to contact me you could email me at jprinsloo@gmail.com

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

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