What If UAPs are Alien In Origins? What Would The Implication Be? How Could That Change History?

2 years ago

On this episode, I entertain the viewpoint of the UAPs being extraterrestrials in nature. I first start with the assumption that the Government is telling the truth (likely a flawed assumption) that these are not US-made aircraft and don't know what they are, how they move so fast, or how they move the way they do.

I examine those searching for non-alien explanations and point out some of the flaws in the explanations. In entertaining the extraterrestrial possibility I first point out these may be probes/drones on automated pitot studying us. We don't know when they were launched towards our planet, maybe centuries ago.

If manually piloted, the technology to cross such distances defies what we believe to be the law of physics, that you can't travel faster than the speed of light. Who knows what resources or energy sources they could have that we don't.

What does this possibly mean? Could the Rosewell incident have really been an Alien craft? Did backward engineering cause the major tech advancements of the last 80 years? Is this a sign that History Channel's Ancient Aliens is correct?

Is there another explanation? Could these be visitors from an alternate reality? Signs not of alien life but of the existence of the Multiverse theory? What about those proposing the possibility of time travelers as any historian would love to travel back in time to observe the events first hand.

While it's fun to speculate about the possibilities, my prediction is that if the Government is being honest about not knowing what these objects are, the report set to be released will not answer any of the questions we have from either side of the debate (next-gen aircraft, tech glitches, spoofing, alien, multiverse, or timeslips).

As a result, we will have more questions than answers. Both sides of this debate may only agree on one thing, the claims of a coverup of something. Covert Government tech or Rosewell?

What I can say is that until they are able to be identified, until we know for sure what they are, all possibilities are on the table.

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