pea and ham soup

3 years ago

For the full recipe and more please follow this link to my website. https://www.unclemattscookerylessons....

Split pea and ham soup, the perfect winter warmer, I assumed that pea and ham soup was a British classic but after a quick research it would seem that the humble pea soup dates back to at least 500BC to ancient Greece where street vendors would sell soups made from dried cultivated peas at the road side.
The technique of using dried peas to make soup has been popular all over the world, perhaps combining a ham bone to the pot and then scraping off the scraps of ham when they are tender and adding them to the finished soup is the British contribution to this the most comforting of winter warming treats?
Either way split pea and ham soup is one of my absolute favourites and I hope you will give this one a try.

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