Editorial Did Woke Tolerance result in domestic murder?

3 years ago

Editorial Did Woke Tolerance result in domestic murder?
A man has been sentenced to thirty years jail in Victoria, Australia for domestic homicide he forced his children to watch. His children had been so badly neglected they weren't educated well enough to speak of their trauma. The man is an Islamic State supporter and in 2016 he murdered his wife in ffront of his children, showing them his removing an eye and flushing it down a toilet before dumping the body to be found in a leisure area. The killing followed a code set out in the mythology of those who follow Islamic State, or those who read western media promoting the ideal. But there had been warning signs leading up to the killing too. A Victorian court heard evidence of how the husband and killer had prevented family from contacting the victim and the abuse which rendered the children permanently incapacitated. Now the court will not name the killer so as to 'protect' the family? Why not simply jail Cardinal George Pell again? Or maybe cancel the Dr Blake Mysteries again?

Domestic violence in Australia is rife in the Islamic community, but not contained to the Islamic community and it is not everywhere in the Islamic community. It is reprehensible that Islamic peoples do not more vociferously condemn those who claim to act on Islam and bring Islam into disrepute.

In Sydney another court fail resulted in a lost family as a father had court support in tracking down and killing his estranged children. The mother had filed an AVO against the dad, but the police had negligently discounted the application by linking it to an ambit claim in a court case. By following his daughter home from school, and killing her, the dad proved those police wrong. The mother has since suicided. How can that family be protected by a woke court now? Maybe the police will investigate more closely the conservative government? That seems to be the go to call.

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